Your first time to Columbine Friends Corner?
Create a Friends Corner Account
After you enter your name, email address, and password, click verify my email, and go to your email account. When you receive an email from Columbine, click the Verify button. You will be returned to Columbine Friends Corner to input your password, then you’ll see My Friends Corner Account page. Verify or update any of your account information.
Next time you return, just log in here to view your account or to get involved in our organization's activities.
Guests, you may register here
With your contact information and email address, we will send Zoom links to you for our Programs and Skill Sessions. After you register, go to your email inbox to verify your email address and re-submit your password.
Returning User?
If you have a Membership Toolkit user account,
even with another organization,
you can log in here:
New User?
If you don't have a Membership Toolkit user account, you can create one now: